Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Mirage of Worldly Pleasures

I've been thinking about the world being a desert and the mirage of satisfaction it offers. It's been a long time since I've been out West and seen the distant shimmer of what promises to be water but is not.

The tendency, if you are lost in the desert, is to chase after those fleeting images, sure of finding satisfaction, but instead, experiencing disappointment after disappointment. And so it is in life. We chase after success and popularity, knowledge and possessions, sure that the next conquest will bring us the satisfaction we so desperately desire. But it does not.

Our soul thirst can only be quenched by the Living Water -- Jesus Himself. The fleeting satisfaction that comes from achievement and recognition, acquisitions and status, control and a full schedule is only an illusion. It cannot bring true peace or contentment or joy or love. Those things, what we really long for, can only come as we submerse ourselves in a relationship with the Lover of our souls.

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