Sunday, May 25, 2008

7 Things I Like About God This Morning

  1. He's God. Goes without saying, of course, but what if He weren't? What God held grudges, or was capricious, or decided we really weren't worth the effort? What if you were God -- or worse, perhaps, what if I were?

  2. He is into infinite variety. There are more shades of green than I ever conceived. And think about snowflakes and fingerprints -- all different. And people -- all different.

  3. He is sovereign. He's in control. No matter how things seem to be careening down the bobsled trail, it's all part of a carefully designed plan for my good and His glory. And not only that, but think of all the minute details He has to orchestrate in order to choreograph what we so casually chalk up to "circumstance."

  4. He loves words. After all, He created everything by speaking, and revealed Himself through His Word. And Jesus IS the Word. I love words, too.

  5. He's all about relationship. I'm pretty much a loner, but even for me, it would be a terrible thing if isolation was His plan. He sets us in families and friendships and churches. He is, within Himself, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the ultimate Relationship, and because He made us in His image, we are drawn to relationship also, and are incomplete without it.

  6. He is a God of lavish abundance. He owns it all, and freely gives it.

  7. He's a God of celebration. Celebrations are ways to mark the good things that happen in our lives. Today I'm celebrating the birthday of one of my most favorite people, Kim Avery. Happy Birthday, Kim!

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